If there ever is a time to kneel in prayer, the time is NOW! Let us all kneel in prayer!
#TakeAKnee is a very effective and peaceful way to get the nation paying attention. NOW that you are, let's all focus on what is important.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
How do we move forward on this?
After the Hurricanes of 2017, the health, liberty and justice for many Americans has been greatly affected. Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and many more need help now. America needs rebuilding, infrastructures need to be replaced and re-enforced, healthcare needs to be improved, this is a time to come together. Don't dicker about dollars, American lives are at risk. Think out of the box. This is an opportunity to make it better. This is an opportunity to get it right. This is an opportunity to start a movement that improves...
#adoptafamily, #alllivesmatter, #americanfreedomhomecommunities, #americasroundtable, #beginbygiving, #blacklivesmatter, #cashempowered, #community collaboration, #communityevent, #dallascowboys, #fema, #florida, #floridakeys, #indivisible, #kneelforamerica, #kneelforequality, #kneelforjustice, #medicareforall, #onenationundergod, #puertorico, #takeaknee, #taketheknee. #peacefulprotest, #texas, #twofistsup, #usvi, #usvirginislands, #usvistrong, #wakeupamerica, #winwinwin, #withlibertyandjusticeforall
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